Herts-CAN in Warm Welcome Week

Thu Jan 23rd
  16:00 to 18:00
 The Pioneer Club, Heathlands Drive, Harpenden Road, St Albans, UK
 Contact Geraldine.strohm@coop.co.uk


An opportunity to celebrate Warm Welcome Week (wear bright colours to chase away the January blues -small prize for most creative outfit!)

AND an opportunity to join Herts-CAN (Hertfordshire Co-operative Action Network) and local young people and good causes.

With FREE Co-op refreshments from 3.30pm to 4pm, then 4pm to 6pm hear updates on local cause’s activities and projects, hear from young people, join in and have your say too. A free, fun and informative event for all. Join Gerry, Co-op Member Activator On Thursday 23rd of January.


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