It’s Sustainable St Albans aka #SusFest2019 and we spoke to children and young people about their sustainability stories on the show. Students from Fleetville Junior School – Daisy, Daniel and Xander and their teacher Mr James told us about the projects they are working on as part of #SusFest2019. Camp School was represented by Matilde and Maddie and they told us about their school Eco Committee. From the secondary level, Hannah, Daisy, Francesca and Naree from St Albans Girls School and their teacher Ms. McHugh shared their thoughts on the environment.
Many parents say their children are worried about the state of the environment, to the point of being anxious. How should we react? Should we tell them everything is OK and there is nothing to worry about it or is there a more nuanced conversations to be had? We spoke to child anxiety specialist, Prof Cartwright-Hatton and she will advised us how to speak about fears about the global environment with our children.

More about: Environment, Festival, Local Events, Local Life, Nature
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