Coming up in the second part of the Parents’ Show this week, Mix Morning’s Steve Simpson is joined by David Jenkins from Brilliant Theatre Arts who tells us all about the opportunities for young people to get into the theatre and film industries. They deliver high-quality performing arts training through both their weekly Performing Arts Academy and seasonal Intensive Productions, as well as unique weekly film and media training through the Brilliant Film Academy.
Lydia meets up with Debi Roberts from the OLLIE Foundation and gets updates from her about what the Foundation has been doing and the ‘Prescription Safe’ initiative to help prevent suicide. Debi has some intriguing back-stories to share on the history of attitudes to this desperate condition.
Please note that this interview contains discussions of mental health and suicide, listener discretion is advised. If you or anyone you know is suffering, please consider contacting organisations such as the Samaritans, who can be reached on 116123.
To close, Catherine Newley, Audience Development Manager at St Albans Museums and Helen Day, the creator and curator of the “wonderful world of Ladybird Artists” exhibition at the Museum and Gallery spoke to Mix Morning’s Nick Hazell about what’s happening at half-term at the museum.
That’s at 7pm this Thursday on 92.6FM, online at and on your smartspeaker.
The Parents’ Show is sponsored by Rayden Solicitors.
More about: Family, Film, Fun, Health, Local Events, Mental Health, Planning, Theatre, Young people, parents