Should we be concerned about Glyphosate?


Should we be concerned about Glyphosate?.

Glyphosate is the most commonly used weed killer in the world and in the EU. It’s used on crops and by councils to kill weeds in paving, as well as being available for garden use.

But should we be concerned about it?

Amanda Yorwerth speaks to Professor David Goulson,  Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex about why he believes it is bad for people and bees.

Also to local resident Phil Fletcher who found out that council contractors would be spraying near him, talks about how his investigations took him to Worms, St.Albans twin town in Germany.

We hear the views of St.Albans District Council and Herts County Council and have details of a protest against the use of Glyphosate in St.Albans on 8th August.

Environment Matters on Mix 92.6
Environment Matters on Mix 92.6
Should we be concerned about Glyphosate?

More from the series Environment Matters

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