
Walking over 100km for Youth Talk and the impact of high conflict divorce on children.

Jen and Lydia are joined this week by one of our former presenters Trevor Merriden along with his colleague Nick, who tell us what the ‘Men of Fields’ group from the Garden Fields Cricket Club are up to next, with their sponsored 100km+ walk to support local charity Youth Talk. They’re joined by Jim Lewis from the charity.

Then Lydia is joined by Lehna Gardiner, a Legal Director at our sponsors Rayden Solicitors, who follows up on her interview on high conflict divorce with a look at what the impact of those situations can be on the children, and how it can be best managed. Lehna shares some resources where parents can look for help and advice.

That’s this Thursday on 92.6FM, online at mix926.com and on your smartspeaker.

The Parents’ Show is sponsored by Rayden Solicitors.

The Parents Show on Mix 92.6
The Parents Show on Mix 92.6
Walking over 100km for Youth Talk and the impact of high conflict divorce on children

More from the series Parents Show

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