Social/Digital Team Leader

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Work with the existing social media team to define and manage the social media output for Radio Verulam.  Interpreting radio content into the digital space (to attract more listeners and engage the local population) and also work with various teams to create content suitable for the digital market.

Lead the team, creating clear roles and accountabilities.  Check in regularly with the team to ensure we are using their skills to the best of their abilities.

Purpose of the digital team

– Ensuring the Radio Verulam brand is strong in the digital space

– Promoting Radio Verulam shows and content, to increase listeners

– Be a trusted medium for local people.

– Support revenue generation


Typical time needed : 4 to 8 hours most weeks

Essential skills :

Clear knowledge and insight into digital marketing and promotion
Being able to interpret radio content and market it accordingly, to attract new listeners
Understand the local market, and be able to track down interesting stories
Outgoing to attract and promote new leads
Engagement with presenters
Ability to provide analysis of digital data

Ideally you’d have these skills but we can train you :

A track record in growing user engagement.

Location :  At home

Available vacancies? :  No current vacancies

We will provide training:


The ability to work with large amounts of day to day ready made content and leverage a sizeable local reach to meet objectives.
Using your digital skills in a radio environment.