Community Partner

Carers in Hertfordshire.

 Carers in Hertfordshire, The Red House, 119 Fore Street, Hertford, Herts, SG14 1AX.
 01992 58 69 69

Carers in Hertfordshire is a countywide charity that provides free information and support to unpaid carers – people looking after someone who is ill, elderly, has a physical or learning disability, or who misuses drugs or alcohol. The charity supports unpaid carers of all ages – children and adults – in Hertfordshire (including St Albans) or elsewhere that care for someone in the county. It also supports bereaved carers for three years after the death of the person they looked after.

“Ensuring Hertfordshire’s hidden carers are identified, supported and stay well, is at the heart of our work. We give carers a voice with opportunities to meet other carers and to share their views or experiences with those providing health and social care services in Hertfordshire,” the charity’s Health and Wellbeing Manager Carole Whittle explains.

The charity’s support includes:

  • Free courses (online and face to face) – some provide skills to support caring and others are more interest based such as crafts or sports;
  • A Carers’ Passport Discount Card that gives discounts and offers in a range of Hertfordshire businesses and contact details for support;
  • Carer planning and advice (available Monday to Thursday from 9.30am – 5pm and Fridays from 9am – 4pm);
  • One to one and group support such as via mentoring and Carer Support Hubs. The Hubs usually meet regularly in community venues so that carers can go along to make friends and find out about the help available near them – there are Hubs in St Albans and Harpenden; and
  • For people caring for someone with Dementia there is a team of specialist Admiral Nurses that can provide practical advice about coping with challenges and changes related to the illness.

The charity also has a Young Carers Service that provides advice and support for young carers and their families and activities for children with a caring role.

To get involved with Carers in Hertfordshire as a volunteer or supporter or for support if you’re a carer please call 01992 58 69 69 or email

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