St Mary’s Church Essendon

Community Partner

St Mary’s Church Essendon.

 Essendon, United Kingdom
 01707 273729

The church of St Mary the Virgin is located in the centre of Essendon. Services are usually held at St Mary’s on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month.

St Mary’s church building as it appears today is largely determined by the rebuilding of 1883 followed by the repairs to the damage from the Zeppelin bomb of 3rd September 1916, the addition of the lych-gate in 1919 and most recently by the building of the church room opposite the north door in 2003.

Norman fragments found during the 1883 rebuilding indicated that there had been a church here since the 12th century and the list of Rectors displayed in the church and researched by a previous Esssendon schoolmaster and sub-librarian at St Albans Cathedral, begins in 1213.

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