Grammar Schools – Good Or Bad?


Grammar Schools – Good Or Bad?.

Grammar schools are like Marmite! There has been a great deal of discussion about on the back of the government’s announcement to increase the number of grammar schools in England.
How do parents feel about this development?
Do we fully understand what this might mean for our children? We are going to speak to an excellent selection of guests to help us understand it.
Peter Lilley MP for Harpenden and Hitchin will speak about grammar schools and why the government has taken this decision. Ray Mc Govern, Head Teacher at St George’s school in Harpenden will be sharing his experience and thoughts about grammar schools and finally we will have a panel of parents from the local area to thrash the issue out

The Parents Show on Mix 92.6
The Parents Show on Mix 92.6
Grammar Schools - Good Or Bad?

More about: Education, Family, Science, Sport

More from the series Parents Show

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