Let’s get the show back on the road!


Let’s get the show back on the road!.

Lockdown has certainly reminded us about the importance of our individual freedom, and that our happy memories are made up of personal life experiences, not possessions. Something that I guess we had forgotten in pre-Covid times.

As I wrote this piece, I felt an inner contentment and re-lived many wonderful ‘showtime’ experiences. It felt great to tap into that inner reservoir of theatrical adventures that I have enjoyed and that have expanded my sense of joie-de-vivre and general well-being.

Those happy theatre memories are now part of ‘me.’ The most special thing about them was that I was able to live them and share them. I carry them within me and reflecting on them reconnects me to my positive emotions wherever I may be and whatever I am doing.

Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
Let’s get the show back on the road!

More from the series Small City Life

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