Science Exhibition at St Albans Museum


Science Exhibition at St Albans Museum.

I must admit that as a schoolgirl I would rather have had a tooth pulled out than have to endure a double Chemistry lesson on those Wednesday mornings, However, that was a long time ago. Now that I’m a little older, I like to learn about new things that take me out of my comfort zone and I actually enjoyed this recent science exhibition.  We certainly have something to be proud about here in Hertfordshire, home to so much scientific research. Being confronted with our own ignorance is always a good thing as shows that we are learning and developing a greater awareness of things. To quote the American neuroscientist David Eagleman. “I think what a life in science really teaches you is the vastness of our ignorance.”
Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
Science Exhibition at St Albans Museum

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