This week, we’re thrilled to be talking to Ella Podmore MBE, a Senior Materials Engineer at McLaren Automotive.
Ella was awarded the IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year in 2020.
Steve asks Ella about how she became involved in engineering, her work at McLaren and her work encouraging girls and women to enter STEM subjects, for which she received her MBE.
Lydia and Neil then speak to Charlotte Southworth from our sponsors Rayden Solicitors about an upcoming event “Excelling with Neurodiversity” at Homewood Church Hall on Friday Sept 29th. Charlotte herself is Dyslexic, and talks about her personal experiences as well as helping clients who are neurodiverse with their legal matters.
That’s this Thursday at 7pm on 92.6FM, online at and your smartspeaker. @mix926official
The Parents’ Show is sponsored by Rayden Solicitors. @raydensolicitors
More about: ADHD, Education, Family, Health, Jobs, Local Events, Motoring, Parenting, STEM, School, Technology, Women, Young people, parents
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