The Importance of City Allotments


The Importance of City Allotments.

I must admit I do envy people with green fingers whose mysterious abilities make everything grow in such abundance! How do they do it?! Their hydrangeas are always rich and sturdy, their camellias are always the pinkest and their vegetable patches are always bulging with goodness!

Growing up in a city has its advantages but one thing is certain, I did not have that exposure to ‘the cycle of life’ that children who grow up in the countryside did, so city allotments and gardens serve a critical function in educating young Londoners.

Last Christmas I received a few books on Nature writing. One of my favourites was a small almanac reconnecting me to the seasons, celebrating farming, gardening and earth’s celestial events. They were not only a pleasure to read but a huge education. Nature is there to be engaged with, celebrated and above all respected.

Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
Small City Life on Hertfordshire's Mix 92.6
The Importance of City Allotments

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