The Odyssey is the world’s greatest independent Cinema and can be found on London Road in St Albans. In this podcast, Mix 92.6FM presenter Neil Rodger sits down with two of the biggest film geek…sorry…experts on the Odyssey team, Roberto Da Silva and Nicolas De Bellis. This podcast is for you if you like going to the cinema, in-depth film discussions, bad impressions of film stars and a confused host asking questions. The Podyssey is a partnership between the lovely folk at The Odyssey and Hertfordshire’s Mix 92.6FM.
In this episode, the lads talk about what’s coming up at the Odyssey, the films they’re excited about and what makes Olivia Coleman so special. They also try to convince Neil why Dune isn’t boring. Hope you enjoy it.
More about: Cinema, Community, Film, Fun, Local Business, Local Life, Things to do St Albans, Things to do in Hertfordshire
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