We are getting to grips with the hot topic of the moment – authorised and unauthorised absences from school. It used to be at the discretion of our head teachers but the rules seem to have changed and there’s confusion about where the buck stops and what the process is now. We’re hearing rumours about big fines being imposed on parents. Is it true?
To get to the bottom of this subject we have invited legal expert Mary McEvoy from Neves Solicitors, to ask her if we can take our children out of school during term time under exceptional circumstances or not. What are the rules and how can we as parents understand our position?
We then speak to Mary Bainton, Central Attendance & Employment Support Team Manager, from Hertfordshire County Council who tells us where we stand.
Good financial planning is important in any household. Financial adviser, Simon Beedle from Wagstaffs Wealth Management is talking about what we can do to secure our children’s financial future.
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