Rewind to Thursday 5th October at 7.00pm

Dyslexia – your questions answered and myths busted.

The Parents’ Show with Lydia, Iain, Andreea and Dave

Rayden Solicitors sponsors The Parents’ Show

It’s Dyslexia Awareness Week 2nd-8th October, and Lydia takes the opportunity to talk to Jane Opie from Dyslexia Herts and find out what Dyslexia actually is, what myths are out there and how suspected Dsylexic children can be supported.

Is Dyslexia hereditary? Does having dyslexia mean you can’t succeed at anything or read and write properly?

Jane will answer these questions and more in a fascinating and often surprising interview.

Tune in this Thursday, October 5th at 7pm to hear the whole interview.

The Parents’ Show is sponsored by Rayden Solicitors @raydensolicitors

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