More about news – a local reporter competition, plus anger management in children

Rewind to Thursday 25th April at 7.00pm

More about news – a local reporter competition, plus anger management in children.

The Parents’ Show with Lydia, Andreea, Jen, Neil and Dave

Rayden Solicitors sponsors The Parents’ Show

Following last week’s show on real journalism and identifying fake news, Lydia meets Matt Adams, Editor and owner of St Albans Times, an online magazine for St Albans.

Matt explains the Write Now project they have just launched, which aims to show the importance of allowing the young generation to have a voice by creating a movement for open and informed writing.

They are looking for between 400 and 1,000 words – printed, emailed, handwritten – on a subject which young people feel passionate about, for publication in a future edition of the St Albans Times and on their website.

Later, Andreea talks to Jodie from Sunny Kids Shine about anger management in children – what can cause bouts of anger, how to calm children down and understand what might be a way to reduce them.

You can listen to last week’s feature on news in our podcasts, here:

The Parents’ Show is sponsored by Rayden Solicitors

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